Thursday 17 January 2013

What thin and fit means to ME!

When I grab images for "thinspiration", I don't care if people judge me to say that it's not healthy. My idea of beauty is different from yours. Your idea of beauty is not the same as mine. Both our opinions are valid.

Those images are for myself to look at and to motivate me. I don't expect you to want to be like that. I think a lot of heavier girls are gorgeous and just as healthy. A lot of plus sized models look better than I do in a bikini and they are a lot heavier than I am, LOL. I don't think all women should be skinny, let's face it, some girls just look prettier with a little more curves on them. Some skinny women look like death warmed over.

I've been skinny and I've been slightly obese, now I am just overweight (Yay, lost some! \*o*/) I just know what is best for my personal look. It's really the same to me as knowing what colours of clothing go well with your skin tone, or what hair styles look best on a woman.

As long as you are healthy for your own lifestyle, you can look in the mirror and know you look great, you are aware of your image of beauty for yourself and not others, there shoudn't be a problem. We need to all stop hating on each other and start supporting each other's personal size ideals, especially when a particular size is our goal. Whatever size it may be.